GET FLocked

I had the pleasure of working in a team for my first game! It's a quick simple party game that'll bring out the competitive nature in anyone who plays it.
The rules are simple: Score sheep into your goal. Avoid getting stunned by the Ram, and put the black sheep into your enemies goals. Gold sheep are Bonus points!
Team: Pugmug (9 members)
Duration: 13 week group project
Course: Diploma at Academy of Interactive Entertainment
Software Used By Artists
Unity, Maya, Photoshop, Zbrush, Xnormals, 3D Coat
My Role and Responsibilities
Art Lead
Pipeline and Creative Documents.
Presentations, Media and Marketing Assets.
2D Artist
Logos, UI and Concept Art.
3D Assets
Modelling Player, Ram, some props and environment assets.
Rigging for Ram and Shepherd
Animations for Ram
Texturing for Player, Animals, some Props and Enviornment Assets
Video, Click to play